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PTO Welcome

PTO Welcome 2024-2025


The Ladera Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization would like to welcome you to Ladera! We are a volunteer organization made up of parents, teachers, administrators, and support staff who are all dedicated to the successful education of our children. The PTO works hard to help make the school year both enjoyable and exciting for the students, teachers, and parents. We like to bring the FUN!

Our purpose is to aid the students and staff by providing support for educational and recreational needs, to promote open communication between all members, and to encourage school spirit and pride. The PTO uses its resources, both manpower and monetary, to support all efforts of the staff of our school. Every dollar donated to the Ladera PTO stays at Ladera. 

We are looking forward to meeting all Ladera families and hope many of you get involved with our PTO this school year. Since every parent/family of a Ladera student is automatically a member of our organization; we hope all members will participate in our many events! Every positive imprint we make on our children goes a long way and helps build lasting memories for our students and families. All Ladera PTO events will be available to see at: Everything we do is based on volunteers, so if you are able to give some time, day or evenings, please join us! Every bit of help, big or small, time or monetary, makes a difference in the lives of our students.  Want to keep up on what’s going on at Ladera?  You can join our monthly PTO general meetings, without being a board or committee member, everyone is welcome!  All meeting information will be available on our PTO website at:

Each year the Ladera PTO sponsors a variety of resources such as: our STEAM Lab, our outdoor learning space, our robust garden, a physical fitness program with a PE teacher, intervention support, art assemblies and lessons with the Meet the Masters Art Program, fun filled assemblies and busses for field trips, supplemental classroom material, after school enrichment programs, staff appreciation, and fun community building events such as restaurant nights and family events.

You can participate and help us make the 2024-2025 school year great!  If you would like to help make that happen, please contact Bahiyyih Babai or Shritin Patel at

Ladera PTO Board Members

President: Bahiyyih Babai

President-Elect: Shritin Patel

Vice President Support Drive: Mediha Pagan, Natalie Luong

Vice President Community Involvement: Laura Hyoga, Stephanie Rahman

Co-Treasurers: Araceli Hernandez, Lillian Villalobos

Secretary: Charishma Desai

Fundraising: Jennifer McGuire, Giovana Aguilar, Mae Tubadeza

After-School Enrichment: Suchada Stevens

Publicity: Brenda Ramirez

Volunteer Coordinator: Susan Hwang

Parliamentarian: Tani Thakrar